Chinese Breakdown
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X:6 T:Chinese Breakdown % NFF Book 2016 C:Anon H:The origins of this tune are not clear. H:It was first recorded in 1925 by the "Dixie String Band" and by others since. N:The 1st part is related to a nursery rhyme. N:There are many variants available on the Web. Here is one. N:"Susie had a baby, She called it Tiny Tim" N:"She put it in the bathtub to see if it could swim" N:"He drank up all the water, he ate up all the soap" N:"He tried to eat the bathtub but it wouldn't go down his throat" M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D |:"D"d2A2B2A2|F2F4A2|d2A2B2A2|"A"E4E2A2|c4c3B|c2c4B2|A2AAB2A2|"D"F4F2A2| "D"d2c2B2A2|F2F4E2|D2DDE2F2|"G"G4G2B2|"A"e4e2d2|c2c4B2|A2AAB2c2|"D"d4d2c2:| "D"f2a2fed2|f2f4e2|f2ffa2g2|"A"e4e4|a4a3e|a2a4a2|a2g2f2e2|"D"f4f2e2| "D"f2a2fed2|f2f4e2|d2d2c2=c2|"G"B4B4|"A"e4e2d2|c2c4B2|A2AAB2c2|"D"d4d4||