Sid Briggs Lead Up
From Australian Traditional Music Tunes
Jump to navigationJump to searchX:4 T:Sid Briggs Lead Up % NFF Book 2006 S:collected from Sid Briggs, Young, NSW S:John Meredith Collection, NLA N:This is a version of the Swedish ganglat "Gardeby Laten" Z:transcribed by Greg O'Leary O:Australia, NSW, Young R:March M:2/4 L:1/16 K:G "G"D2DD D2D2|D2G2 B2G2|"C"E2EE E2E2|E2A2 c2A2|"D"F2FF F2E2|"D7"D2c2 B2A2|"G"GF GA BA Bc|d4"D7"d2z2| "G"D2DD D2D2|D2G2 B2G2|"C"E2EE E2E2|E2A2 c2A2|"D"F2FF F2E2|"D7"D2c2 B2A2|"D7"FD DE FG GG|"G"G4B2c2|| "G"d4d4|d4B2B2|"C"c4c4|c4 (3BcB A2|"G"B4B4|B4BAG2|"D7"F2d4^c2|"G"d4B2c2| "G"d4d4|d4B2B2|"C"c4c4|c4 (3BcB A2|"G"B4A2G2|"D7"A4G2F2|"G"G2DD E2F2|G4z4||
Sid Briggs Lead Up - played by Greg O'Leary
Additional Information
Additional information may be available on the following people or
organisations associated with the collection of this tune:
| Greg O'Leary | John Meredith Collection | Sid Briggs |