First of May
From Australian Traditional Music Tunes
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X:15 T:First of May % NFF Book 2019 S:collected from Joe Cashmere, Sydney NSW S:John Meredith Collection, NLA N:This tune also collected in Australia: N:- from Joe Yates, John Meredith Collection, NLA as "Joe Yates Skillett Pot" &/or "Sofala Cuckoo" N:Other versions: N:This tune is part of a family of tunes based around "Little Beggarman", & "Redhaired Boy" & Colcannon N:- Elias Howe "The Musician's Companion" 1843 p.143 #2 as "Cuckoo Sett (tune 5)" N:- Kerr's Vol 4 No 270, (c.1880), as "1st of May" N:- N:- N:- O:Australia, NSW, Sydney R:Reel M:2/4 L:1/8 K:D "D"FA AA|"G"(3BcB "A"A>A|"D"dc de|f2a2|(3faf "F#m"fc|"Bm"d2dc|ec AF|"Em7"G4"A7"| "D"FA AA|"G"(3BcB "A"A>A|"D"dc de|f2a2|(3faf "F#m"fc|"Bm"df "A"ec|"F#m"c2A2|A3f/g/|| |:"D"a2af|"A7"gf ge|"G"dB GB|"C"=c2 "(A7)"fg|"D"af "A7"ge|"D"d2df|"Em7"ed "A7"cA|G4:|
First of May - played by Greg O'Leary
Additional Information
Additional information may be available on the following people or
organisations associated with the collection of this tune:
| Joe Cashmere | John Meredith Collection |