From Australian Traditional Music Tunes
Jump to navigationJump to searchX:10 T:Dirranbandi % NFF Book 2019 C:Mike Jackson & Michelle Jackson H:Now resident in Melbourne, Mike Jackson migrated to Australia around 1970ish. H:He is a talented musician and entertainer with an encyclopaedic knowledge of H:folk lore who has made an enormous contribution to Australian folk life. O:Australia, Malbourne, Vic R:Reel M:2/4 L:1/8 K:Em |:B/2A/2|"Em"GE GA|B/2c/2B/2G/2 "D"A>d|"Em"eB B/2A/2G|"D"A/2B/2A/2G/2 FB/2A/2| "Em"GE GA|B/2c/2B/2G/2 "D"A>d|"Em"eB B/2A/2G|G/2E/2"D"F/2D/2 "Em"E:| |:z|"Em"bb/2g/2 ee/2f/2|"D"a/2f/2d/2f/2 a/2f/2d/2f/2|"Em"bb/2g/2 ee/2f/2|g/2a/2f/2g/2 e/2f/2g/2a/2| "Em"bb/2g/2 ee/2f/2|"D"a/2f/2d/2f/2 a/2f/2d/2f/2|"Em"b/2g/2e/2d/2 e/2d/2B/2A/2|G/2E/2"D"F/2D/2 "Em"E:|