Money in Both Pockets

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T:Money in Both Pockets
% NFF Book 2022
% Bush Traditions recording played by Ray Mulligan
S:The 'Convict Dance and Music Research Project' by Dr. Heather Blasdale-Clarke at QUT
N:Older versions:
N: - Robert Petrie, "Collection of Reels and Country Dances &c.", p11, (1790) as "Money in Both Pockets"
N: - VMP, Wm Mittell Manuscripts, No 32, (1799) as "Money in Both Pockets"
N: - VMP, J. Anderson "Budget of Strathspeys, Reels and Country Dances",  No 201, (c.1810) as "Money in Both Pockets"
N: - VMP, Rev R.Harrison Manuscripts, No 103, (1810) as "Money in Both Pockets"
N: - VMP, John Buttrey Manuscripts, poss. Lincolnshire, (early C19th) as "Money in Both Pockets"
N: - VNP, R.Dalton Manuscripts, No 139, (1841) as "Money in Both Pockets"
N: - VMP, John Roose Manuscripts, No 200, (c.1850) as "Money in Bothe Pockets"
N: - VMP, T Westrop Manuscripts, No 91, (c.1860's) as "Money in Both Pockets"
N: - James Kerr "Merry Melodies" v.1, No 356, (c.1875) as "Money in Both Pockets"
N: - Alexander Laing Manuscripts, No 196, Tasmanian State Archives, (1863),  as "Money in Both Pockets"
N: - VMP, O'Neill's "O'Neill's Music of Ireland" No 746, (1903) as "Money in Both Pockets"
N: - VMP, O'Neills "Dance Music of Ireland" v.1 No 35, (1907) as "Money in Both Pockets"
Z:arranged by Roland Clarke, 2019
A|"D"d2A FDF|"A"ABA AGF|"D"d2A FDF|"Em"e2f gfe|
"D"d2A FDF|"A"ABA AGF|"Em"EFE EFA|"Bm"B3"A"A2:|
|:A|"D"dfa afe|"A"cde ecA|"D"dfa afd|f3a2a|
"D"afa "A7"geg|"D"fed "A7"cBA|"Bm"dcB "D"AFA|"Bm"B3"A"A2:|

Money in Both Pockets - played by Ray Mulligan

Additional Information

Additional information may be available on the following people or organisations associated with the collection of this tune:
| Roland Clarke |