One After George Davis Mudgee Schottische (The)

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T:The One After George Davis Mudgee Schottische
% NFF Book 2019
% Bush Traditions recording played by David Gittus & Julie Gittus
S:from the playing of David Gittus and Julie Gittus, Castlemaine, Vic
S:collected by Greg O'Leary
N:This tune is likely to have been adapted from a schottisch collected around Mudgee
O:Australia, Vic, Castlemaine
A,>D|:"D"F>F A,>F "G"G>G F>G|"D"BA-A2 D>F A>d|"A7"c>d E2E>G (3BcB| [M:3/4]"D"A>F A,2A,D| [M:4/4] "D"F>F A,>F "G"G>G F>G|
"D"BA-A2D>F A>d|"A7"c>d E2E>B A>B|1 [M:5/4](3cBA"D"d2d2d2 A,>D:|2 [M:5/4] (3cBA"D"d2d2d2A>d||
|:"D"f>d "A7"e>c "D"d>d c>d|ed-d2F2F>B|"A7"A2E2E2-E>B|"D"A2F2F2-F>A|
"D"f>d "A7"e>c "D"d>d c>d|ed-d2F2F>B|"A7"A2E2E>C E>F|1"D"D2"A7"E2"D"D2F>A:|2"D"D2"A7"E2"D"D2z2||

The One After George Davis Mudgee Schottische - played by David Gittus & Julie Gittus

Additional Information

Additional information may be available on the following people or organisations associated with the collection of this tune:
| David Gittus | Greg O'Leary | Julie Gittus |