Pine Mt Lancers Fig 2
From Australian Traditional Music Tunes
Jump to navigationJump to searchX:25 T:Pine Mt Lancers Fig 2 T:David Teis' Lancers Tune No 1 % NFF Book 2018 S:collected from David Teis, Lowood, Qld, S:from a video recording taken by Eva Cunningham Z:transcribed by Greg O'Leary B:"The Waltz, the Polka and All Kinds of Dance Music", Peter Ellis, 2007, p235 N:David Teis was playing for the ball celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Pine Mountain Hall in 1989 R:Polka M:2/4 L:1/16 K:G "G"d4g3d|dddd g3d|"D7"d3c cBcd|"Em"B6zd| "G"d4g3d|dddd g3d|"D7"d3c cBcd|"G"B4G3d| "D7"d3c c2A2|"Em"e3d d2g2|"D7"d3c c2A2|"Em"e3d d2g2| "D7"d4g3d|"G"dddd g3d|"D7"d3c cBcA|"G"B2d2 g4|]
Pine Mt Lancers Fig 2 - played by David Johnson
Additional Information
Additional information may be available on the following people or
organisations associated with the collection of this tune:
| David Teis | Greg O'Leary |