Black Cat Piddled in the White Cat's Eye (The)
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X:53 T:The Black Cat Piddled in the White Cat's Eye % NFF Book 2006 S:from the playing of the Brown boys & Daryl Maynard & Steve Lowery & Laurie Lowery, Cape Barren Island, Tas H:The name of the tune is onomatopoeic in origin. The informants did not have H:a name for the tune so they used a word string to remind themselves of how H:the notes went. This tune is based on the "Winster Galop" N:Recording held by Tas Aboriginal Council, Hobart B:Fred Pribac & Stuart Graham, 'Tasmanian Dance Tunes', Cygnet Folk Festival, 2000 O:Australia, Tas, Cape Barron Island R:Reel M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G |:D2|"G"G2B2 BBBB|G2B2 B4|G2B2 BBBB|"D7"d2A2A2AB| c2cc c2A2|F2AA A2AB|c2ccB2A2|"G"B2G2G2:| |:ef|"G"g2(3fgf e2dd|g2f2e4|g2f2e2d2|"D7"cAAAA2de| f2e2ddde|f2e2dddd|A2BcB2A2|"G"B2G2G2:|
The Black Cat Piddled in the White Cat's Eye - played by Greg O'Leary
Additional Information
Additional information may be available on the following people or
organisations associated with the collection of this tune:
| Brown boys | Daryl Maynard | Laurie Lowery | Steve Lowery |