Boxers Creek

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T:Boxers Creek
% NFF Book 2015
S:collected from Frank Collins, from acetate recordings
N:recordings held by the NLA Aural History Unit
Z:transcribed by Alan Musgrove
O:Australia, NSW, Boxers Creek, near Goulburn
R:Step Tune
a|:"D"af df Ad fa|"Em"ag- gb- bg eg|"A7"ae ce Ac eg|"Bm"gf- fb- ba fa|
|"D"af df Ad fa|"Em"ag- gb- bg eg|"G"g2g2gb ag|1"A7"fe dc"D" d3a:|2"A7"fe dc"D" d3A||
|:"D"df af "A7"gf eA|"G"Bd- dd "D"AFD2|"G"BA Bd "A7"cB eg|"Bm"fe dB"A7"A2A2|
"D"df af "A7"gf eA| "G"Bd- dd "D"AFD2|"G"BA Bd "A7"ed ef|ge ce"D"d3A:|

Boxers Creek - played by Greg O'Leary

Additional Information

Additional information may be available on the following people or organisations associated with the collection of this tune:
| Alan Musgrove | Frank Collins |