Copenhagen Waltz

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T:Copenhagen Waltz
% NFF Book 2015
S:collected from John McKinnon, Ecklin South, Vic
S:John Meredith Collection, NLA TRC 2222/11
S:see also Alexander Laing
Z:transcribed by Alan Musgrove
B:J Meredith, R Covell, P Brown, Folk Songs of Australia Vol 2, UNSW Press, 1987, p306
N:Original in key of C
N:This tune also collected in Australia by:
N:- Alexander Laing MS, No 5, (1863), as "Copenhagen Waltz"
N:Other versions:
N:- T.Wilson, "Companion to the Ballroom", No 240, (1810) as "Copenhagen Waltz"
N:- Elias Howe, "Complete Preceptor for the Accordion", p22, (1843), as "Copenhagen Waltz"
N:- Edward Holmes MS No 524, (c.1846) as "Copenhagen"
N:- Kerrs v.1, No 442, (c.1875), as "Copenhagen Waltz" 
O:Australia, Vic, Ecklin South
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Copenhagen Waltz - played by Greg O'Leary

Additional Information

Additional information may be available on the following people or organisations associated with the collection of this tune:
| Alan Musgrove | John McKinnon | John Meredith Collection | Alexander Laing |